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Parastomal Hernia 

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  1. Open Access 27.05.2024 | Online First

    Proof of concept of an experimental prototype for the prevention of parastomal hernia

    Ostomy surgery can significantly impact the quality of life of affected patients as it causes important physiological, emotional, and relationship changes, in addition to requiring the learning of new self-care habits [ 1 , 2 ]. Likewise, the …

  2. 04.04.2024 | BriefCommunication

    Robotic modified Sugarbaker technique for parastomal hernia repair: a standardized approach

    Parastomal hernia (PSH) is a prevalent long-term morbidity associated with stoma construction, and the optimal operative management remains uncertain. This study addresses the need for a standardized approach to symptomatic PSH repair, focusing on …

  3. Open Access 28.04.2024 | Online First

    Parastomal hernia repair, trying to optimize the impossible reconstruction

    Approximately, 450,000 Americans live with an ostomy, of which about 50% will develop a parastomal hernia within the first two years [ 1 , 2 ]. Parastomal hernia repairs are inherently challenging operations for several reasons, including …

  4. 21.04.2024 | Online First

    Establishment and evaluation of rat models of parastomal hernia

    Parastomal hernia, a specific type of incisional hernia, occurs when one or more loops of the intestine protrude through the fascia defect around the stoma, resulting in skin bulging [ 1 – 3 ]. It is the most common delayed complication following …

  5. Open Access 16.04.2024 | Online First

    End-colostomy parastomal hernia repair: a systematic review on laparoscopic and robotic approaches

    Parastomal hernia (PSH) is the most common and challenging complication after stoma creation. This condition, defined as an abnormal protrusion of the abdominal cavity contents through abdominal wall defect created during placement of an …

  6. 12.04.2024 | Online First

    Parastomal hernia repair according to Modified Stapled Mesh Stoma Reinforcement Technique (mSMART): which are the results ?

    Parastomal hernia is a common complication that arises in patients who have undergone ostomy surgery. Due to the weakening of the abdominal wall addressing parastomal hernias is still a challenging task with recurrence rates in excess of 50% [ 1 …

  7. 03.01.2024 | OriginalPaper

    The clinical applications of D-type parastomal hernia repair surgery

    Paraostomy hernia (PSH) is a common long-term complication after intestinal stoma surgery [ 1 ]. Due to the unique anatomical features associated with the presence of a stoma, the surgical management strategy for PSH differs from other abdominal …

  8. 14.03.2024 | Online First

    Parastomal hernia prevention with an intraperitoneal prophylactic 3D-funnel mesh: review of the technique and middle-term results

    Parastomal hernia (PH) remains a significant complication following stoma creation [ 1 , 2 ], boasting a considerable prevalence in the range of 30–50% within the first year post-surgery, a figure that climbs even higher when considering …

  9. 27.12.2023 | Online First

    Repair of parastomal hernia after Bricker procedure: retrospective consecutive experience of a tertiary center

    Incisional hernias (IHs) are frequent complications that may occur after any abdominal operation [ 1 ]. Amongst them, parastomal hernias (PHs) represent a group of IHs particularly difficult to avoid or to correct, as their main cause is the …

  10. 09.10.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Analysis of recurrence and risk factors in laparoscopic sandwich technique for parastomal hernia repair

    Parastomal hernias are a frequent complication following stoma surgery, with an estimated incidence of 32.7% at 2-years follow-up [ 1 ]. Risk factors such as a higher body mass index (BMI), older age, or a larger fascial aperture can further …

  11. Open Access 01.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Laparoscopic parastomal hernia repair: keyhole, Sugarbaker, sandwich, or hybrid technique with 3D mesh? An updated systematic review and meta-analysis

    Parastomal hernia is the most common complication after stoma formation. According to the European Hernia Society (EHS), a parastomal hernia is defined as “an abnormal protrusion of the contents of the abdominal cavity through the abdominal wall …

  12. 23.06.2023 | BriefCommunication

    Sugarbaker Versus Keyhole Repair for Parastomal Hernia: Results of an Artificial Intelligence Large Language Model Post Hoc Analysis

    Artificial intelligence (AI) large language models (LLMs) can now generate convincing scientific research communications via natural language processing (NLP). [ 1 ] Scientists are already using the AI LLM-powered chatbot, ChatGPT (OpenAI, San …

  13. 01.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Surgical management of parastomal hernia following radical cystectomy and ileal conduit: A french multi-institutional experience

    After radical cystectomy, there are several techniques for reconstruction of the neobladder or diversion of the urinary tract. In 1956 [ 1 ], Bricker described urinary diversion through an ileal conduit (IC) following radical cystectomy. Despite …

  14. Open Access 01.12.2023 | ReviewPaper

    A systematic review of the association between parastomal hernia and sarcopenia

    Sarcopenia is when an individual’s muscle mass decreases compared to others of the same age, race, and gender [ 1 ]. It is a multifactorial process that can result from chronic illness, cancer, lack of activity, or a combination of these and many …

  15. 08.11.2022 | OriginalPaper

    Addressing parastomal herniation through biomechanical simulation

    Despite advances in colorectal surgery, stoma formation remains a significant source of morbidity with pervasive effects on postoperative quality of life [ 1 ]. Until recently, a reactive approach to parastomal hernia was the standard. Parastomal

  16. 05.04.2023 | Letter

    Surgical strategies for recurrent parastomal hernia after a primary repair with a Dynamesh® IPST mesh: author’s reply

  17. 22.02.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Surgical strategies for recurrent parastomal hernia after a primary repair with a Dynamesh® IPST mesh

    After stomal formation, a common complication is a parastomal hernia (PSH). PSH is defined as the formation of a bulge around the stoma by intestinal loops, fat, or other intra-abdominal organs [ 1 ]. The incidence can be as high as 48% in 2 years …

  18. 24.03.2023 | Letter

    Comment to: surgical strategies for recurrent parastomal hernia after a primary repair with a Dynamesh® IPST mesh

  19. Open Access 25.03.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Parastomal hernia prevention with permanent mesh in end colostomy: failure with late follow-up of cohorts in three randomized trials

    Development of parastomal hernia (PH) after intestinal stoma creation continues to be a matter of concern due to its high prevalence [ 1 ], marked impact on the patient’s quality of life [ 2 ], and poor results associated with surgical hernia

  20. 07.03.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Parastomal hernia repair: a five-year experience from a single centre in the UK

    Parastomal hernias can affect significantly quality of life in patients who often had underwent major operations. The incidence and recurrence is still high although many techniques have been introduced to improve outcomes. Hence, there is still …

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Leisten- und Schenkelhernien

Viszeral- und Allgemeinchirurgie
Leistenhernien gehören zu den häufigsten viszeralchirurgischen Erkrankungen. Jährlich werden in Deutschland mehr als 300.000 Hernien operiert. Leistenhernien treten in unterschiedlichen Altersgruppen deutlich häufiger bei Männern als bei Frauen auf. Es existieren zahlreiche unterschiedliche Operationstechniken zur Versorgung von Leistenhernien, die alle jeweils unterschiedliche Vor- und Nachteile aufweisen. Konsens ist ein sogenanntes maßgeschneidertes Vorgehen im Sinne des „Tailored Approach“. Die Zukunft der Hernienchirurgie liegt vermutlich in einem zunehmend standardisierten, aber zugleich auch individualisierten Vorgehen. Dies ist kein Widerspruch, vielmehr eine Herausforderung für zukünftige Chirurgen. Wichtigste Aspekte dabei sind die kontinuierliche Weiterbildung der Chirurgen und zeitgleich die Reflektion der eigenen Operationsergebnisse. Neben wissenschaftlichen Studien kommt der Versorgungsforschung mit Registerstudien eine zunehmende Bedeutung zu.

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