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Neck dissection 

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  1. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Elective neck dissection versus elective neck irradiation in cT3/4N0 maxillary sinus squamous cell carcinoma: a propensity score matching analysis

    Maxillary sinus squamous cell carcinoma (MS-SCC) is a rare malignancy, but it is the most common tumor of the paranasal sinuses. Due to early non-specific symptoms, it is often diagnosed at an advanced stage [ 1 ]. The curative treatment options …

  2. 30.04.2024 | Online First

    Prevalence and risk factors of postoperative laryngeal edema in patients undergoing neck dissection

    Post-surgical or post-extubation laryngeal or airway edema can cause variable symptoms in patients from asymptomatic or mild discomfort in the throat to threatening airway obstruction, which may be induced by endotracheal intubation, the surgical …

  3. 02.03.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Radical Neck Dissection Following Internal Carotid Artery Endovascular Stenting: Case Report and Review of Literature

    Carotid artery involvement by head and neck cancer is mostly considered as unresectable disease. Mostly, these cases are treated with definitive chemoradiotherapy. But when there is recurrent disease, choices are limited. Recent advances in …

  4. 17.04.2023 | Facharzt-Training HNO | Trainingskurs | Kurs

    Neck dissection

    Facharzt-Training HNO – Lernkarte
  5. Open Access 25.04.2024 | Online First

    FDG uptake in the cervical muscles after neck dissection: imaging features and postoperative natural course on 18F‑FDG‑PET/CT

    Neck dissection is a surgical procedure to remove lymph nodes from the neck area, which is mainly performed for the purpose of cancer treatment. The lymph nodes in the neck are divided into seven levels by anatomic landmarks. Radical neck

  6. 09.04.2024 | Online First

    Shoulder Dysfunction and Quality of Life Following Modified Radical and Selective Neck Dissection: A Prospective Comparative Study

    Head and neck cancers are fairly common in India due to the widespread consumption of tobacco and neck dissection is a major component in the surgical management. The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of MRND and SND on shoulder …

  7. Open Access 05.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Usefulness of preoperative ice cream consumption and novel postoperative drainage management in patients undergoing left-sided neck dissection for thyroid cancer: a nonrandomized prospective study

    Chyle leakage or fistula after thyroid surgery has a lower incidence than complications such as recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy and hypoparathyroidism but may become a serious and occasionally fatal complication if not properly managed [ 1 – 3 ].

  8. 07.12.2023 | BriefCommunication

    Posterior Belly of Digastric Muscle is not Always an Intern’s Friend, During Neck Dissection

    Among the various anatomical landmarks during neck dissection, digastric muscle is one of the most important. It is well known that all important blood vessels in neck lies deep to digastric. Thus, it acts as a safety landmark during neck

  9. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Similar survival after endoscopic submucosal dissection and esophagectomy in early esophageal cancer and synchronous or metachronous head and neck cancer

    Esophageal cancer has poor outcomes; however, an early diagnosis with a curative treatment modality such as endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) or esophagectomy could provide better survival than a delayed diagnosis. In recent years, ESD has …

  10. 10.01.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Modified Radical Neck Dissection for Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma via a Combined Endoscopy Approach: The Transoral Approach and the Chest Approach

  11. 13.10.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Outcomes of Central Neck Dissection for Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Primary Versus Revision Setting

    The central compartment is an area of the neck that is bounded by the two common carotid arteries laterally, and extends superiorly up to the prelaryngeal lymph nodes and down to the upper horn of the thymus. A central compartment neck dissection

  12. 06.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Drainless thyroid surgeries including goiter or central neck dissection: a case-control study

    Thyroidectomy remains the modality of choice for thyroid cancers and for symptomatic enlargements (goiters), as well as an excellent option for hyperfunctioning endocrine disorders [ 1 – 3 ]. In recent years, research has focused on thyroidectomies …

  13. 28.10.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Results of salvage neck dissection after chemoradiation in locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

    Approximately two-thirds of patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) have locoregionally advanced disease (LA-HNSCC) at diagnosis. These patients have a 5-year overall survival (OS) of approximately 50%, and better tailoring of …

  14. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Do patients with cN0 oral squamous cell carcinoma benefit from elective neck dissection? A large-scale population-based study

    According to the GLOBOCAN 2020 database, there were 377,713 new cases (2.0% of the total) of lip and oral cavity cancer and 177,757 new deaths (1.8% of the total) from this condition in 2020, the majority of which were oral squamous cell carcinoma …

  15. 18.01.2024 | Online First

    Study of the Anatomical Variations of Spinal Accessory Nerve Seen During Neck Dissection

    In our study, thirty one neck dissections in thirty patients were performed as a part of their treatment for head and neck cancers over a period of one year. In this study, we aimed to report anatomical variations of the spinal accessory nerve …

  16. 15.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Gasless Single-Incision Endoscopic Surgery via Subclavicular Approach for Lateral Neck Dissection in Patients with Papillary Thyroid Cancer

  17. 15.12.2023 | Abstract

    ASO Visual Abstract: Gasless Single-Incision Endoscopic Surgery via Subclavicular Approach for Lateral Neck Dissection in Patients with Papillary Thyroid Cancer

  18. 17.12.2023 | BriefCommunication

    ASO Author Reflections: A Promising Approach of Endoscopic Surgery for Lateral Neck Dissection in Patients with N1b Papillary Thyroid Cancer

  19. Open Access 01.01.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Occult metastasis is no burden factor in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients when adhering to a standardized approach in neck dissection

    Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) accounts for approximately 90% of all malignant tumors within the oral cavity, with a global incidence surpassing 350,000 cases [ 1 , 2 ].

  20. 08.09.2023 | Letter

    Reply to the editor: should multifocality be an indication for prophylactic neck dissection for papillary thyroid cancer?

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DGIM Innere Medizin
Kopf-Hals-Karzinome sind sowohl im oberen Luft- und Speiseweg als auch im Bereich der Speicheldrüsen und der Halsweichteile lokalisiert. Es handelt sich in der überwiegenden Mehrheit, insbesondere bei den Tumoren des oberen Luft- und Speiseweges, um Plattenepithelkarzinome. Maligne Tumoren im Bereich des oberen Luft- und Speiseweges treten häufig bei Rauchern und bei Patienten mit übermäßigem Alkoholkonsum auf. Unzureichende Mundhygiene und mangelhafte Versorgung mit Vitaminen sowie HPV-Infektion sind weitere risikosteigernde Faktoren. Larynxkarzinome stellen die häufigste Einzellokalisation bösartiger Tumoren des Kopf-Hals-Bereichs dar. Da in vielen Fällen die Erstsymptome denen banaler Erkrankungen wie grippalen Infekten ähneln, werden diese Malignome oft erst spät diagnostiziert, häufig erst dann, wenn lokale Lymphknotenmetastasen aufgetreten sind. In vielen Fällen treten tumorbedingt funktionelle Störungen in Form von Dyspnoe und Dysphagie auf. Die Therapie besteht meist in einer operativen Tumorresektion, häufig begleitet von einer Neck-Dissection und einer adjuvanten Radiotherapie bzw. Radiochemotherapie.

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