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  1. 01.06.2024 | News


    Tardive dyskinesia
  2. 01.05.2024 | News


    Parkinsonian extrapyramidal syndrome
  3. 01.05.2024 | News


  4. 01.05.2024 | News


    Dermic adverse reactions, weight gain and serum prolactin increased
  5. 01.05.2024 | News


    Various toxicities
  6. 01.04.2024 | News


    Lack of efficacy
  7. 01.04.2024 | News


  8. 15.05.2024 | Online First

    Model-Informed Clinical Development of Once-Every-6-Month Injection of Paliperidone Palmitate in Patients with Schizophrenia: A Pharmacometric Bridging Approach (Part I)

    Long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics are among the most frequently recommended treatment options for patients with schizophrenia having a high risk of poor treatment adherence [ 2 – 6 ]. Paliperidone palmitate (PP), a palmitate ester of …

  9. 01.03.2024 | News


    Postinjection delirium/sedation syndrome and treatment non-adherence
  10. 20.05.2024 | Online First

    Model-Informed Clinical Development of 6-Monthly Injection of Paliperidone Palmitate in Patients with Schizophrenia: Dosing Strategies Guided by Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling and Simulation (Part II)

    Paliperidone palmitate (PP), an atypical antipsychotic, is the palmitate ester of paliperidone (9-hydroxyrisperidone) and a prodrug that is available as an intramuscular (IM) long-acting injectable (LAI) for 1-monthly (PP1M) and 3-monthly (PP3M) …

  11. Open Access 15.04.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Schizophrenic Patients Treated with Paliperidone Palmitate Once-Monthly Injection (PP1M): A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study in Taiwan

    Schizophrenia is one of the top 15 leading causes of disability worldwide [ 1 ] and affects an estimated 0.28% of the global population and 0.42% of the population in Asia [ 2 ]. It is a chronic disorder necessitating long-term pharmacological …

  12. 01.02.2024 | News


    Lack of efficacy
  13. Open Access 08.01.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Factors Associated with Symptom Stabilization that Allow for Successful Transition from Once-Monthly Paliperidone Palmitate to Three-Monthly Paliperidone Palmitate: A Post Hoc Analysis Examined Clinical Characteristics in Chinese Patients with Schizophrenia

  14. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Characteristics of patients with schizophrenia switching from oral antipsychotics to once-monthly paliperidone palmitate (PP1M): a systematic review

    Schizophrenia can detrimentally affect individuals' capacity to learn, function in employment, maintain self-care, and establish interpersonal connections [ 1 , 2 ]. The social and economic consequences of schizophrenia are substantial, impacting …

  15. 01.12.2023 | News


    Weight gain, hyperprolactinaemia and seborrhoeic dermatitis : case report
  16. 01.12.2023 | News


    Various toxicities
  17. 01.11.2023 | News


    Neutropenia: case report
  18. 01.10.2023 | News


    Pisa syndrome: case report
  19. 01.10.2023 | News


    Rebound effect of schizophrenia: case report
  20. 01.10.2023 | News


    Tardive dyskinesia: case report

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