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  1. 21.05.2024 | Progesteron | News

    Mit Zervixpessar nicht weniger Komplikationen als mit Progesteron

    Zervixpessare schützen Schwangere mit kurzer Zervix und ihre Kinder nicht besser vor perinatalen Komplikationen als Vaginalkapseln mit Progesteron. Ist der Gebärmutterhals sehr kurz, sind Pessare einer aktuellen Studie zufolge womöglich sogar …

  2. 01.05.2024 | News


    Ischaemic colitis
  3. 15.03.2024 | Drohende Frühgeburt | Nachrichten | Online-Artikel
    Schwangerschaft und kurze Zervix

    Pessar kein besser Schutz vor Komplikationen als Progesteron

    Zervixpessare schützen Schwangere mit kurzer Zervix und ihre Kinder nicht besser vor perinatalen Komplikationen als Vaginalkapseln mit Progesteron. Ist der Gebärmutterhals sehr kurz, sind Pessare laut Studienergebnissen womöglich sogar nachteilig.

  4. 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    The value of whole tumor apparent diffusion coefficient histogram parameters in predicting meningiomas progesterone receptor expression

    Meningiomas are the most common primary central nervous system tumors [ 1 , 2 ], accounting for approximately 40% of all intracranial tumors [ 3 ]. More than 80% of meningiomas are World Health Organization (WHO) grade 1, and surgical resection or …

  5. 19.02.2024 | OriginalPaper

    The combination of dydrogesterone and micronized vaginal progesterone can render serum progesterone level measurements on the day of embryo transfer and rescue attempts unnecessary in an HRT FET cycle

    Recent years have seen a distinct shift in the embryo transfer (ET) strategies in assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments from fresh to frozen ET (FET) [ 1 , 2 ]. Despite the increase in FET cycles, there is no consensus on the “optimal” …

  6. 14.02.2024 | Progesteron | News

    Vaginales Progesteron erhöht Lebendgeburtenrate nach Kryokonservierung

  7. Open Access 01.08.2024 | OriginalPaper

    In vitro evaluation of the percutaneous absorption of progesterone in anhydrous permeation-enhancing base using the Franz skin finite dose model and mass spectrometry

    Progesterone is used for hormone replacement therapy through various routes of administration. This study was conducted to (a) evaluate the stability of progesterone in a proprietary anhydrous permeation-enhancing base (APEB) and the efficiency of …

  8. Open Access 23.04.2024 | Online First

    Diagnostic and therapeutic use of oral micronized progesterone in endocrinology

    Progesterone is a natural steroid hormone, while progestins are synthetic molecules. In the female reproductive system, progesterone contributes to the control of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone secretion and their …

  9. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Progesterone-induced progesterone receptor membrane component 1 rise-to-decline changes are essential for decidualization

    Human endometrium tissue is highly dynamic going through proliferative, secretory, and menses phases during a regular menstrual cycle [ 1 – 3 ]. Correspondingly, its functional layer exhibits steroid hormone-dependent proliferation …

  10. 18.05.2024 | Online First

    Expression Pattern of Estrogen Receptor Alpha and Progesterone Receptor in Gallbladder Carcinoma and Their Association with Clinicopathological Parameters and Overall Survival

    Gallbladder cancer (GBC), the most frequent biliary tract cancer and sixth most common gastrointestinal cancer worldwide, has a poor prognosis due to aggressive tumor biology, late presentation, complicated anatomical position, and advanced stage …

  11. 27.04.2024 | Online First

    Impact of dydrogesterone use in cycles with low progesterone levels on the day of frozen embryo transfer

    Both the number of IVF/ICSI cycles and frozen embryo transfers (FET) have increased in the last few years. In 2017, more than 270,000 cycles were reported in Europe [ 1 ], with pregnancy rates ranging between 30.2% (autologous oocytes) and 41.1% …

  12. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Progesterone therapy for prevention of recurrent spontaneous preterm birth in a minority patient population: a retrospective study

    Preterm birth (PTB) is a significant challenge to human health worldwide and remains a leading cause of infant mortality in the United States [ 1 – 3 ]. Prematurity increases the risk of death from other causes and is associated with significant …

  13. 01.02.2024 | News


  14. 01.02.2024 | News


    Foreign body granuloma following exposure during first trimester of pregnancy
  15. 19.03.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Comparison between oral dydrogesterone versus micronized vaginal progesterone gel in clinical outcome within the first HRT-FET cycle: a retrospective analysis

    Since 1983, frozen-thawed embryo transfers (FET) have been widely performed around the world [ 1 ]. After years of development, embryo freezing technology has become very mature leading to a higher accumulated pregnancy rate. Compared to fresh …

  16. Open Access 03.04.2024 | Online First

    Can serum progesterone concentration direct a fresh or freeze-all transfer strategy in the first in vitro fertilisation cycle?

    Historically, most fertility clinics worldwide have practiced fresh embryo transfer, with frozen transfer of surplus embryos. Fresh embryo transfer is associated with increased chances ovarian hyperstimulation and studies suggest that there are …

  17. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Corpus luteum presence in the bovine ovary increase intrafollicular progesterone concentration: consequences in follicular cells gene expression and follicular fluid small extracellular vesicles miRNA contents

    Follicular development requires a synchronized regulation between cellular communication and endocrine factors, to generate a viable oocyte [ 1 ]. The antral follicle contains follicular fluid (FF), which is an ultrafiltrate from blood plasma and …

  18. Open Access 16.02.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Mature oocyte dysmorphisms may be associated with progesterone levels, mitochondrial DNA content, and vitality in luteal granulosa cells

    The clinical pregnancy rates following intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) continue to be around 30%, indicating that there is still room for advancement in this area [ 1 , 2 ]. Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses indicated that the …

  19. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Progesterone receptor distribution in the human hypothalamus and its association with suicide

    The human hypothalamus modulates mental health by balancing interactions between hormonal fluctuations and stress responses. Stress-induced progesterone release activates progesterone receptors (PR) in the human brain and triggers alterations in …

  20. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Can single progesterone concentration predict miscarriage in early pregnant women with threatened miscarriage: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    About 25% of pregnant women experience bleeding in the early stage, and half of them eventually progress to pregnancy loss. Currently, neither effective treatment nor prevention strategy is available to manage this condition [ 1 – 3 ]. Despite some …

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