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  1. 03.04.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Electroretinography in congenital nystagmus patients with a normal fundus examination

    Congenital nystagmus is a conjugate, involuntary horizontal oscillation of the eyes that usually presents during the first three months of life [ 1 ] and persists throughout life [ 2 ]. The intensity of congenital nystagmus may either increase or …

  2. 29.03.2024 | Letter

    Central paroxysmal positional nystagmus mimicking posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in pontine infarction: a case report and literature review

  3. Open Access 21.02.2024 | Letter

    RFC1 repeat expansions in downbeat nystagmus syndromes: frequency and phenotypic profile

    Until recently, the cause of downbeat nystagmus (DBN) has remained unknown (“idiopathic”) in approximately 30% of cases [ 1 ]. However, intronic FGF14 (GAA) ≥250 repeat expansions, known to cause spinocerebellar ataxia 27B/GAA- FGF14 disease [ 2 …

  4. Open Access 18.10.2023 | OriginalPaper

    A Case of Anti-Ma2 Encephalitis Presenting with Pendular Torsional Nystagmus

    Antibodies against the neuronal protein Ma2 have been reported in a peculiar form of paraneoplastic encephalitis with prominent involvement of the limbic, brainstem, and diencephalic structures and usually associated with germ cell testicular …

  5. 02.04.2024 | Online First

    Subjective BPPV revisited: identification of positional nystagmus with a new maneuver

  6. Open Access 18.03.2024 | Online First

    Effects of Baclofen on Central Paroxysmal Positional Downbeat Nystagmus

    Paroxysmal positional nystagmus frequently occurs in lesions involving the cerebellum, and has been ascribed to disinhibition and enhanced canal signals during positioning due to cerebellar dysfunction. This study aims to elucidate the mechanism …

  7. Open Access 18.03.2024 | Online First

    Gravity-Dependent Modulation of Downbeat Nystagmus and Subjective Visual Vertical in the Roll Plane

    Downbeat nystagmus (DBN) is the most common form of acquired central vestibular nystagmus. Gravity perception in patients with DBN has previously been investigated by means of subjective visual straight ahead (SVA) and subjective visual vertical …

  8. Open Access 01.02.2024 | Online First

    Positional nystagmus is observed in the vast majority of healthy individuals

  9. 26.09.2023 | Letter

    Conjugate torsional pendular nystagmus and palatal tremor after unilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia

    Most patients with OPT show various patterns of horizontal gaze palsy from the acute event [ 3 ]. INO is a common preceding condition of OPT [ 5 , 6 ]. Our patient showed OPT subsequent to unilateral INO. He also showed the typical findings of INO …

  10. Open Access 01.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Smith-Kingsmore syndrome with nystagmus as the initial symptom

    Smith-Kingsmore syndrome (SKS) is a rare autosomal dominant disorder with de novo mutations of MTOR in most cases and germline mosaicism in a few cases. The first case was reported by Smith et al. in 2013 [ 1 ]. The incidence of SKS remains …

  11. Open Access 31.08.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Capturing nystagmus during vertigo attacks using a smartphone: adherence, characteristics, pearls and pitfalls

    Dizziness and vertigo are frequently encountered symptoms in daily clinical practice, which might result from vestibular disorders [ 1 – 3 ]. These vestibular disorders are classified into acute, episodic, and chronic vestibular disorders [ 4 ].

  12. Open Access 01.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Vestibular seizures and spontaneous downbeat nystagmus of ganglioglioma origin: a case report

    Vestibular epilepsy is defined as recurrent simple complex or partial seizures that cause vertigo as the predominant symptom [ 1 ]. Based on clinical observation, vertigo attacks seldom present as the sole clinical manifestation of epilepsy.

  13. 03.04.2023 | Nystagmus | ContinuingEducation

    Nystagmus und sakkadische Intrusionen

    Symptome des Augenzitterns erkennen und behandeln

    Die Bilder vor den Augen hüpfen, alles ist unscharf, der Boden schwankt oder es dreht sich alles - das sind typische Symptome eines Nystagmus. Welche Formen es gibt und wie sich diese manifestieren, was sie klinisch voneinander unterscheidet und wie sie sich bestimmten anatomischen Strukturen zuordnen sowie behandeln lassen, sind die Themen dieser zertifizierten Fortbildung.

  14. 05.12.2022 | Schielen | OriginalPaper

    Hoch dosierte Medialisrücklagerung bei Nystagmus vom Latenstyp

    Der Nystagmus vom Latenstyp (NLT) tritt bei Entwicklungsstörungen des Binokularsehens durch frühen Visusverlust eines Auges und regelmäßig im Rahmen des frühkindlichen Schielsyndroms auf. Oft führt er zu einer Kopfzwangshaltung (KZH). Er schlägt …

  15. 28.04.2023 | Letter

    Vestibular schwannoma presenting with Valsalva maneuver-induced nystagmus

  16. 22.06.2022 | Letter

    Hypomagnesemia-induced encephalopathy with transient torsional nystagmus evolving into downbeat nystagmus: a rare complication of ileostomy

  17. Open Access 27.04.2023 | Letter

    Acetyl-DL-leucine in combination with memantine improves acquired pendular nystagmus caused by multiple sclerosis: a case report

  18. 01.12.2022 | OriginalPaper

    Direction-changing spontaneous nystagmus in patients with dizziness

    Periodic alternating nystagmus (PAN) is a horizontal or horizontal-rotary jerk-type nystagmus in the central gaze that reverses direction periodically [ 1 ]. Periodicity means that the nystagmus direction changes spontaneously every 90–120 s, with …

  19. 01.10.2021 | OriginalPaper

    Cerebellar Rebound Nystagmus Explained as Gaze-Evoked Nystagmus Relative to an Eccentric Set Point: Implications for the Clinical Examination

    A brain stem/cerebellar neural integrator enables stable eccentric gaze. Cerebellar loss-of-function can cause an inability to maintain gaze eccentrically (gaze-evoked nystagmus). Moreover, after returning gaze to straight ahead, the eyes may …

  20. 01.02.2023 | BriefCommunication

    Upbeat Nystagmus with an Unusual Velocity-Decreasing and Increasing Waveform: a Sign of Gaze-Holding Dysfunction in the Paramedian Tracts in the Medulla?

    We report a patient with spontaneous upbeat nystagmus (UBN) due to an ischemic lesion involving the paramedian tract (PMT) in the medulla. Eye movement recordings, using an infrared video-oculography (VOG) system, showed that the slow phase of the …

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Erworbener Nystagmus und sakkadische Intrusionen

Die Augenheilkunde
Bei einem Nystagmus handelt es sich um periodische, meist unwillkürliche Augenbewegungen mit einer meist langsamen Augendrift und einer schnellen Rückstellphase. Leitsymptome können verschwommen Sehen, reduzierter Visus, Schwank-, Drehschwindel und/oder Gangstörungen sein. Die Diagnose beruht auf der Beschreibung von Form, Richtung (die nach der schnellen Phase angegeben wird) sowie auslösenden/modulierenden Faktoren. Häufige Formen sind peripherer oder zentraler Spontannystagmus sowie Blickrichtungs-, Lagerungs-, Kopfschüttel- und Rebound-Nystagmus; daneben gibt es Nystagmus-ähnliche Formen, wie Sakkadische Intrusionen. Ein Spontannystagmus ist definiert als ein in Primärposition ohne Provokationsmanöver vorhandener Nystagmus. Es kann sich um einen peripheren vestibulären Spontannystagmus, z. B. bei akuter unilateraler Vestibulopathie, oder zentrale Formen wie Downbeat- oder Upbeat-Nystagmus handeln. Therapie bei den beiden letzteren ist 4-Aminopyridin.

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