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  1. 01.05.2024 | News


    Lack of efficacy
  2. 01.05.2024 | News


    Respiratory failure following pulmonary oedema
  3. 01.05.2024 | News


    Toxic leukoencephalopathy, drug overdose and lack of efficacy
  4. Open Access 01.12.2024 | Erratum

    Correction: Staff preferences towards electronic data collection from a national take-home naloxone program: a cross-sectional study

  5. Open Access 14.03.2024 | ReviewPaper

    Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Naloxone

    Naloxone is a World Health Organization (WHO)-listed essential medicine and is the first choice for treating the respiratory depression of opioids, also by lay-people witnessing an opioid overdose. Naloxone acts by competitive displacement of …

  6. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Effects of perioperative low-dose naloxone on the immune system in patients undergoing laparoscopic-assisted total gastrectomy: a randomized controlled trial

    Globally, the incidence and mortality of gastric cancer remain high among cancer patients. Currently, comprehensive surgical treatment has remained the most effective treatment method for gastric cancer [ 1 ]. Nevertheless, surgery is likely to …

  7. 01.03.2024 | News


    Noncardiogenic pulmonary oedema and lack of efficacy
  8. 21.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Access to, Experience with, and Attitudes towards Take Home Naloxone: An Online Survey

    The opioid public health crisis continues to burden individuals, communities, and economies. Public health opinion has emphasized the need for increased access to harm reduction services, but there is a dearth of information on the views and …

  9. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Is a randomised controlled trial of take home naloxone distributed in emergency settings likely to be feasible and acceptable? Findings from a UK qualitative study exploring perspectives of people who use opioids and emergency services staff

    Accidental overdose and death from opioids is a significant public health problem, with around 100,000 annual deaths globally, with relatively high rates particularly in high-income countries [ 1 – 4 ]. Non-fatal overdose is associated with …

  10. 19.03.2024 | Online First

    Effect of oral naloxone on opioid-induced constipation in methadone maintenance treatment patients, a double-blind, placebo-control, clinical trial

    Opioids are frequently used in order to relieve chronic pain [ 1 ]. Opioids are the cornerstone of cancer pain treatment [ 2 ] and are being utilized more often to treat persistent non-malignant pain [ 3 ]. Moreover, in 2019, about 10 million …

  11. Open Access 01.12.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Organize and mobilize for implementation effectiveness to improve overdose education and naloxone distribution from syringe services programs: a randomized controlled trial

    Despite decades-long increases in opioid overdose fatalities, no implementation science trials have tested whether implementation strategies could advance implementation effectiveness of naloxone within community-based settings. The multicomponent …

  12. 09.01.2024 | OriginalPaper

    Neighborhood and Individual Disparities in Community-Based Naloxone Access for Opioid Overdose Prevention

    Improving access to naloxone for laypersons is a cornerstone of the US strategy to reduce opioid overdose deaths. This study evaluated change in distance to opioid overdose prevention programs (OOPPs) providing walk-in naloxone across two time …

  13. 01.11.2023 | News


    Acute hypertension and mydriasis: case report
  14. 01.11.2023 | News


    Opioid withdrawal symptoms: case report
  15. 14.07.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Naloxone Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Overdose Response Among Family Members of People who Misuse Opioids

    Providing family members of individuals with opioid use disorders (OUD) naloxone is a cost-effective way to prevent overdose deaths. However, misconceptions and negative attitudes towards naloxone hinder family engagement with naloxone programs.

  16. 01.11.2023 | News


    Aspiration pneumonia and pulmonary edema: 2 case reports
  17. 01.02.2023 | Opioide | ProductNotes

    Naloxon-Notfallkit zeigt Wirkung

    Den Drogentod mit einem Nasenspray verhindern: Ein Forschungsteam hat den Einsatz von nasalem Naloxon als Erste-Hilfe-Maßnahme bei Überdosierung geprüft. Nicht nur die Todeszahlen konnten verringert werden, sondern auch die Anzahl an Rettungseinsätzen.

  18. 01.10.2023 | News


    Various toxicities : case report
  19. 01.09.2023 | News


    Acute opioid withdrawal following accidental self-administration of naloxone: case report
  20. Open Access 01.12.2023 | OriginalPaper

    Scaling up overdose education and naloxone distribution in Kentucky: adoption and reach achieved through a “hub with many spokes” model

    The United States (US) opioid epidemic has exacted a massive toll on individuals, families, and communities, and, although the number of overdose deaths may be leveling off, data from 2021 indicates 109,000 Americans died from drug overdose, with …

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Medikamentöse Schmerztherapie in der Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie: Opioid-Analgetika

Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Opioid-Analgetika sind unbestritten die analgetisch potentesten Medikamente und in der postoperativen Schmerztherapie und bei starken nozizeptiven wie auch chronischen neuropathischen Schmerzen wirksam. Der Name Opioid leitet sich von den altgriechischen Wörtern „opion“ und „eidos“ (zusammen: „dem Opium ähnlich“) her und bezeichnet die gesamte Gruppe der Substanzen, die über Opioidrezeptoren wirken.


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