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20.05.2020 | Arthropedia | Online-Artikel

VKB-Ruptur – Therapie


(T. Diermeier)


Transplantatentnahme Semitendinosus/Grazilis

  1. Domnick C, Garcia P, Raschke MJ, Glasbrenner J, Lodde G, Fink C, et al. (2017) Trends and incidences of ligament-surgeries and osteotomies of the knee: an analysis of German inpatient records 2005-2013. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 137:989-995
  2. Herbort M, Michel P, Raschke MJ, Vogel N, Schulze M, Zoll A, et al. (2017) Should the ipsilateral hamstrings be used for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in the case of medial collateral ligament insufficiency? Biomechanical investigation regarding dynamic stabilization of the medial compartment by the hamstring muscles. The American journal of sports medicine 45:819-825
  3. Magnussen RA, Lawrence JT, West RL, Toth AP, Taylor DC, Garrett WE (2012) Graft size and patient age are predictors of early revision after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with hamstring autograft. Arthroscopy 28:526-531
  4. Maletis GB, Cameron SL, Tengan JJ, Burchette RJ (2007) A prospective randomized study of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a comparison of patellar tendon and quadruple-strand semitendinosus/gracilis tendons fixed with bioabsorbable interference screws. The American journal of sports medicine 35:384-394
  5. Qi L, Chang C, Jian L, Xin T, Gang Z (2011) Effect of varying the length of soft-tissue grafts in the tibial tunnel in a canine anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction model. Arthroscopy 27:825-833

Transplantatentnahme der Patellarsehne

  1. Tomita, F., Yasuda, K., Mikami, S., Sakai, T., Yamazaki, S., & Tohyama, H. (2001). Comparisons of intraosseous graft healing between the doubled flexor tendon graft and the bone-patellar tendon-bone graft in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Arthroscopy: the Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery, 17(5), 461–476.
  2. Petersen, W., & Laprell, H. (2000). Insertion of autologous tendon grafts to the bone: a histological and immunohistochemical study of hamstring and patellar tendon grafts. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 8(1), 26–31.
  3. Samuelsen, B. T., Webster, K. E., Johnson, N. R., Hewett, T. E., & Krych, A. J. (2017). Hamstring Autograft versus Patellar Tendon Autograft for ACL Reconstruction: Is There a Difference in Graft Failure Rate? A Meta-analysis of 47,613 Patients. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 475(10), 2459–2468.
  4. Gifstad, T., Foss, O. A., Engebretsen, L., Lind, M., Forssblad, M., Albrektsen, G., & Drogset, J. O. (2014). Lower risk of revision with patellar tendon autografts compared with hamstring autografts: a registry study based on 45,998 primary ACL reconstructions in Scandinavia. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 42(10), 2319–2328.
  5. Bansal, A., Lamplot, J. D., VandenBerg, J., & Brophy, R. H. (2018). Meta-analysis of the Risk of Infections After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction by Graft Type. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 46(6), 1500–1508.
  6. Smigielski, R., Zdanowicz, U., Drwiega, M., Ciszek, B., Ciszkowska-Lyson, B., & Siebold, R. (2015). Ribbon like appearance of the midsubstance fibres of the anterior cruciate ligament close to its femoral insertion site: a cadaveric study including 111 knees. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 23(11), 3143–3150.
  7. Thompson, S. M., Salmon, L. J., Waller, A., Linklater, J., Roe, J. P., & Pinczewski, L. A. (2016). Twenty-Year Outcome of a Longitudinal Prospective Evaluation of Isolated Endoscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction With Patellar Tendon or Hamstring Autograft. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 44(12), 3083–3094.
  8. Tay, G. H., Warrier, S. K., & Marquis, G. (2006). Indirect patella fractures following ACL reconstruction: a review. Acta Orthopaedica, 77(3), 494–500.
  9. Kraeutler, M. J., Bravman, J. T., & McCarty, E. C. (2013). Bone-patellar tendon-bone autograft versus allograft in outcomes of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a meta-analysis of 5182 patients. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 41(10), 2439–2448.
  10. Liden, M., Ejerhed, L., Sernert, N., Laxdal, G., & Kartus, J. (2007). Patellar tendon or semitendinosus tendon autografts for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a prospective, randomized study with a 7-Year follow-up. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 35(5), 740–748.
  11. Arnold, M. P., Burger, L. D., Wirz, D., Goepfert, B., & Hirschmann, M. T. (2017). The biomechanical strength of a hardware-free femoral press-fit method for ACL bone-tendon-bone graft fixation. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 25(4), 1234–1240.
  12. Frank, R. M., Mascarenhas, R., Haro, M., Verma, N. N., Cole, B. J., Bush-Joseph, C. A., & Bach, B. R. J. (2015). Closure of patellar tendon defect in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with bone-patellar tendon-bone autograft: systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Arthroscopy: the Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery, 31(2), 329–338.
  13.  Webster, K. E., Feller, J. A., Hartnett, N., Leigh, W. B., & Richmond, A. K. (2016). Comparison of Patellar Tendon and Hamstring Tendon Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A 15-Year Follow-up of a Randomized Controlled Trial. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 44(1), 83–90.

Entnahme des autologen Quadrizepssehnen-Transplantates mit patellarem Knochenblock mit oszillierender Hohlfräse

  1. Adams DJ, Mazzocca AD, Fulkerson JP (2006) Residual strength of the quadriceps versus patellar tendon after harvesting a central free tendon graft. Arthroscopy 22:76-9
  2. Barié A, Huber J, Schmitt H, Streich NA (2010) Arthroskopische VKB-Plastik mit autologem Quadrizepssehnentransplantat oder Patellarsehnentransplantat in fremdmaterialfreier Press-Fit Fixation im Vergleich: Langzeitergebnisse einer prospektiven randomisierten Studie. Oral presentation 27. AGA-Kongress, Wien
  3. Barié A, Streich AN, Huber J (2013) Arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using a quadriceps tendon-patellar bone autograft in press-fit fixation. Techniques in Orthopaedics 28:145-8
  4. Blauth W (1984) Restauration of the ACL with a 2-stripped quadriceps tendon graft. Unfallheilkunde 87:45-51
  5. Boszotta H. (1997)Arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using a patellar tendon graft in press-fit technique: surgical technique and fellow-up. Arthroscopy 13:332-9
  6. Gwechenberger T, Barié A, Streich NA, Friedmann-Bette B (2018) Muskuläre Anpassung nach Rekonstruktion des vorderen Kreuzbandes: Effekte von Transplantatwahl und Trainingsmethode.
  7. Han HS, Seong SC, Lee S,Lee MC (2008) Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: quadriceps versus patellar autograft. Clin Orthop Relat Res 466:198-204
  8. Harris NL, Smith DA, Lamoreaux L, Purnell M (1997) Central quadriceps tendon for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Part I: Morphometric and biomechanical evaluation. Am J Sports Med 25:23-28
  9. Stäubli HU, Schatzmann L, Brunner P, Rincón L, Nolte LP (1996) Quadriceps tendon and patellar ligament: cryosectional anatomy and structural properties in young adults. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 4:100-110
  10. Stäubli HU, Schatzmann L, Brunner P, Rincón L, Nolte LP (1996) Mechanical tensile properties of the quadriceps tendon and patellar ligament in young adults. Am J Sports Med 27:27-34
  11. Yasuda K, Tsujino J, Ohkoshi Y, Tanabe Y, Kaneda K (1995) Graft site morbidity with autogenous semitendinosus and gracilis tendons. Am J Sports Med 23:706-714

Minimal-invasive Entnahme des autologen Quadrizepssehnen-Transplantates mit Sehnenmesser, -separator und -stanze

  1. Fink C, Herbort M, Abermann E, Hoser C (2014) Minimally Invasive Harvest of a Quadriceps Tendon Graft With or Without a Bone Block. Arthroscopy Techniques 3:e509–e513

Entnahme des Peronaeus-longus-Split Sehnen-Transplantates (PLSS)

  1. Kerimoğlu S, Aynaci O, Saraçoğlu M, Aydin H, Turhan AU (2008) [Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with the peroneus longus tendon]. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc 42:38–43
  2. Zhao J, Huangfu X (2012) The biomechanical and clinical application of using the anterior half of the peroneus longus tendon as an autograft source. Am J Sports Med 40:662–671

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