Ellenbogen > Gelenksteife

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21.10.2021 | Arthropedia | Online-Artikel

Der steife Ellenbogen

Management des N. ulnaris bei der Ellenbogenarthrolyse

M. Mühldorfer-Fodor

  1. Blonna D, Huffmann GR, O'driscoll SW (2014) Delayed-onset ulnar neuritis after release of elbow contractures: clinical presentation, pathological findings, and treatment. Am J Sports Med 42:2113-2121
  2. Blonna D, O'driscoll SW (2014) Delayed-onset ulnar neuritis after release of elbow contracture: preventive strategies derived from a study of 563 cases. Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association 30:947-956
  3. Cai J, Zhou Y, Chen S et al. (2016) Ulnar neuritis after open elbow arthrolysis combined with ulnar nerve subcutaneous transposition for post-traumatic elbow stiffness: outcome and risk factors. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery 25:1027-1033
  4. Cohen MS, Hastings H, 2nd (1998) Post-traumatic contracture of the elbow. Operative release using a lateral collateral ligament sparing approach. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume 80:805-812
  5. Gelberman RH, Yamaguchi K, Hollstien SB et al. (1998) Changes in interstitial pressure and cross-sectional area of the cubital tunnel and of the ulnar nerve with flexion of the elbow. An experimental study in human cadavera. J Bone Joint Surg Am 80:492-501
  6. Keschner MT, Paksima N (2007) The stiff elbow. Bulletin of the NYU hospital for joint diseases 65:24-28
  7. Park MJ, Chang MJ, Lee YB et al. (2010) Surgical release for posttraumatic loss of elbow flexion. J Bone Joint Surg Am 92:2692-2699
  8. Ring D, Adey L, Zurakowski D et al. (2006) Elbow capsulectomy for posttraumatic elbow stiffness. J Hand Surg Am 31:1264-1271
  9. Shin R, Ring D (2007) The ulnar nerve in elbow trauma. J Bone Joint Surg Am 89:1108-1116
  10. Shuai C, Hede Y, Shen L et al. (2014) Is routine ulnar nerve transposition necessary in open release of stiff elbows? Our experience and a literature review. International orthopaedics 38:2289-2294
  11. Unglaub F, Hahn P, Kisslinger F et al. (2017) Das Kubitaltunnelsyndrom: Diagnostik und Therapieoptionen. handscan 06:71-82
  12. Van Gent JA, Datema M, Groen JL et al. (2017) Anterior subcutaneous transposition for persistent ulnar neuropathy after neurolysis. Neurosurg Focus 42:E8
  13. Van Zeeland NL, Yamaguchi K (2010) Arthroscopic capsular release of the elbow. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery 19:13-19
  14. Williams BG, Sotereanos DG, Baratz ME et al. (2012) The contracted elbow: is ulnar nerve release necessary? Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery 21:1632-1636
  15. Wright TW, Glowczewskie F, Jr., Cowin D et al. (2001) Ulnar nerve excursion and strain at the elbow and wrist associated with upper extremity motion. J Hand Surg Am 26:655-662
Themenheft Ellenbogenpathologien

Themenheft Ellenbogenpathologien

Die Ausgabe 4/2019 von Arthroskopie und Gelenkchirurgie widmet sich der Arthroskopie des Ellenbogens. Zum einen soll der Stellenwert der Ellenbogenarthroskopie aus Sicht der Diagnostik bei chronischen Epikondylopathien beleuchtet werden, zum anderen werden die therapeutischen Möglichkeiten und Grenzen dieses Verfahrens aufgezeigt.