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23.06.2020 | Arthropedia | Online-Artikel

Diagnostik des Hüftgelenks

3-D Rekonstruktionen

Lorenz Büchler, Till Lerch

  1. Bouma HW, Hogervorst T, Audenaert E, Krekel P, van Kampen PM. Can combining femoral and acetabular morphology parameters improve the characterization of femoroacetabular impingement? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015;473:1396-1403.
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  3. Liang H, Ji T, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Guo W. Reconstruction with 3D-printed pelvic endoprostheses after resection of a pelvic tumour. Bone Joint J. 2017;99-B:267-275.
  4. Locher S, Werlen S, Leunig M, Ganz R. [MR-Arthrography with radial sequences for visualization of early hip pathology not visible on plain radiographs]. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb. 2002;140:52-57.
  5. Mabee MG, Hareendranathan AR, Thompson RB, Dulai S, Jaremko JL. An index for diagnosing infant hip dysplasia using 3-D ultrasound: the acetabular contact angle. Pediatr Radiol. 2016;46:1023-1031.
  6. Murr LE, Gaytan SM, Martinez E, Medina F, Wicker RB. Next generation orthopaedic implants by additive manufacturing using electron beam melting. Int J Biomater. 2012;2012:245727.
  7. Tannast M, Hanke M, Ecker TM, Murphy SB, Albers CE, Puls M. LCPD: reduced range of motion resulting from extra- and intraarticular impingement. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2012;470:2431-2440.
  8. Xia Y, Chandra SS, Engstrom C, Strudwick MW, Crozier S, Fripp J. Automatic hip cartilage segmentation from 3D MR images using arc-weighted graph searching. Phys Med Biol. 2014;59:7245-7266.
  9. Lerch TD, Siegfried M, Schmaranzer F, Leibold CS, Zurmühle CA, Hanke MS, Ryan MK, Steppacher SD, Siebenrock KA, Tannast M (2020) Location of Intra- and Extra-articular Hip Impingement Is Different in Patients With Pincer-Type and Mixed-Type Femoroacetabular Impingement Due to Acetabular Retroversion or Protrusio Acetabuli on 3D CT-Based Impingement Simulation. Am J Sports Med. 2020 Mar;48(3):661-672. doi: 10.1177/0363546519897273. Epub 2020 Jan 21
  10. Lerch TD, Boschung A, Todorski IAS, Steppacher SD, Schmaranzer F, Zheng G, Ryan MK, Siebenrock KA, Tannast M (2019) Femoroacetabular Impingement Patients With Decreased Femoral Version Have Different Impingement Locations and Intra- and Extraarticular Anterior Subspine FAI on 3D-CT-Based Impingement Simulation: Implications for Hip Arthroscopy. Am J Sports Med. 2019 Nov;47(13):3120-3132. doi: 10.1177/0363546519873666. Epub 2019 Sep 20

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